Complete a Dive Course and dive free for the rest of your stay
Complete a Dive Course and dive free for the rest of your stay

Book and stay with us and sign up for a Padi Dive Course and once completed, enjoy free unlimited diving for the rest of your stay.


- Offer applies from 1st January 2025 until 31st March 2026.

- Must book and complete either Open Water, Advanced Open Water or Rescue Diver PADI course at Octopus Resort.

- Vaild for up to two people per room

- Offer applies to all accommodation options

- Can't be combined with any other offer 

- Unlimited diving is available on the regular daily daytime scheduled dive trips.

- This offer excludes night dives or any specialty dives.

- This offer is not available for rebooks or for bookings that are not made with us directly. So not vaild for 3rd party agents or online travel agent bookings.

- Maximum length of stay the offer applies to is 30 days.

- Not available on the last day of your stay if you are departing Fiji due to saftey reasons.

- Valid for bookings made from 1st January 2025.

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