Private Bungalow
Price from: US$149.00 per night (NZD$239, AUD$225)(5 night stay minimum for the low season rate) in the low season and $156 USD in the high season. Ma...
The neighboring village of Nalauwaki is the home to most of the resort staff. We have a very close relationship with the people of Nalauwaki, there are 350 villagers living the ten-minute walk away from the resort to the village, there is a daily connection with the staff and village, along with our visits to the village, and with their permission hikes across their land.
We tend to purchase as much locally grown crops, locally caught fish, and lobster to help support the local community, and too help provide the opportunity for small business endeavors, such as the village ladies selling local crafts to the guests both at the resort and in the village. It is a fabulous working relationship that highlights the kindness and generosity of the Fijian people.
Ideas for Donations We are always very grateful for any donation that guests contribute towards the Education Fund here at the resort, but that aside, many people also ask us what they can bring as a donation/gift for the children from the primary school, the people of Waya, the staff or the village in general. So we thought that we would assist by giving you a few suggestions.
The children who board at the primary school often have very few possessions, so clothing, school bags, and pencil cases, for instance, are a prized possession.
Or if you can squeeze any new or used items such as pillowcases, sheets or even blankets into your luggage, these would be most welcomed – especially by the boarders who live at the school from Sunday to late Friday from the age of 5.
In general, clothing items are hard to come by and as the boat journey to the mainland for a family may only be achieved once every 6 months at the most, any item donated is cherished.
Sporting equipment as many have found is definitely welcomed, with the primary school hosting regular sporting events such as rugby, netball and of course, volleyball.
Thank you for helping us, help our friends
Vinadu (Wayan for thank you)
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